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Healthcare App - Dedica Health

Dedica Health combines advanced technology with compassionate, patient-centered care by leveraging remote patient monitoring and data analysis to deliver consistent and transformative treatment to patients.

The application facilitates proactive patient healthcare by communicating real-time device readings and patient alerts to Dedica care navigators and clinicians. With this convenience, navigators can provide timely interventions in which patients receive the best one-on-one care. Their outstanding service saves providers time between visits, improves outcomes, and keeps patients involved in their healthcare journey.

With its unique and expanding features, providers increase the efficiency of their practices, and patients enjoy an engaged experience that gets results.


Notable Highlights

Simple Care

Easy remote patient monitoring


Each patient has their own care navigator

Fascilitates Timely Intervention

Proactive scheduling & medication management

Provider Freedom

Handles all patient interactions and delivers streamlined reporting

Key Features

  • Streamlined patient enrollment
  • Efficient patient workflows
  • Prioritized alerts
  • Personalized reading reminders
  • Doctor-patient messaging
  • Real-time data from devices
  • Simple device management
  • Custom integrated forms
  • Regular patient check-ins
  • Quick insights for program compliance
  • Personalized patient reports
  • Batch reporting for clinics
  • Dashboard permission levels
  • Advanced filters
  • HIPAA compliant
Healthcare App
Healthcare App - Report


Project Type: Web App

Primary Technologies: ReactJS, Typescript, NodeJS, MongoDB

Digital Health with a Caring Touch

The Dedica Health app is the easiest way to monitor patient data from connected devices between office visits. Supporting clinical insights enable interventions, including medication management, televisits, office visits, lab orders, and more, before unnecessary ER visits and admissions.

The quality of Blackburn Labs’ oversight is impressive. They review and test the solution multiple times before releasing it. They’re deliberate in rolling things out, and their processes are very smooth and professional.

In addition, Blackburn Labs’ team is creative and understands what I need — they help me find the best ways to develop our solution. They don’t just follow my instructions; they spend a lot of time knowing our company’s needs.

Menachem Wakslack, MD



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