Calculator App With Waterfall Chart
Anyone who knows me knows that I Iove a good chart. So it was a natural, and fun, next addition to my Crafting Profit Calculator. Adding these charts packs in a ton of information into […]
Flutter Animations: Part 2
In a prior article, we started talking about Flutter Implicit animations. In this post, we’ll continue that subject and talk about AnimatedDefaultTextStyle and AnimatedOpacity widgets before moving on to transition animation widgets.
Crafting Profit Calculator
As a result, and just for a fun little Saturday project, I created a HTML5 Mobile App for Apple and Android tablets. It’s a simple little calculator someone can use to determine the pricing of their Etsy […]
Flutter Animations: Part 1
In a prior post, we talked about the new cross-platform mobile development framework from Google called Flutter. It reviews how Flutter took a different approach from React Native and NativeScript in creating a mobile application. […]
Cross-Platform Mobile Development: There’s a New Kid on the Block
Now, there is a new kid coming to the playground, and its name is Flutter. The company behind it is Google. It was inspired by Facebook’s React.js and React Native frameworks but it took a […]
How to Choose A Cross-Platform Mobile Development Tool
Today when you develop a mobile application, more than likely, you need to develop for at least two platforms (IOS and Android). Some companies have the luxury of having the development resources that can develop […]