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Website Design & Development

Client: Sanity Warriors


Platform: WordPress

Details: Blackburn Labs designed and developed the website for Sanity Warriors, a life management company located in Boston, MA. We worked directly with the client ensuring their vision of the website was all that they expected. The website was developed using WordPress, a content management system that is one of the world’s most popular website creation tools.

Clutch Review

Ana Mercurio-Pintol, Director of CV Innovation, BWH

Blackburn Labs created and designed our website. I went to them with a very vague concept and Norma, took my thoughts and created a beautiful website that was a reflection of ME with little to no work on my end.

Blackburn Labs makes you feel valued. You never feel as if your questions are dumb, they take the time to explain options. They make recommendations but definitely are not pushy about it. Communication overall is seamless – they are responsive, and everything is actionable. Time is never wasted.

Ana Mercurio-Pinto
Founder, Sanity Warriors



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