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Julie Talks About Being Chronically Ill During Current Events

Our very own Chief Data Scientist was invited to speak at Venture Cafe’s Thursday evening gathering last week. She spoke about her pet project, which Blackburn Labs is developing, called SpoonieDay.

Spoonie Day App - an app for those living with chronic illness.

Spoonie Day centers around the “Spoon Theory” – a surprisingly elegant way of describing what it’s like to live with a chronic illness. As Brene Brown says, “Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection.” We are very proud of Julie for being brave with her vulnerability and sharing her story and app with Venture Cafe.

Julie Blackburn, Chief Data Science Officer at Blackburn Labs

As a data scientist we look for the trends, as a human I also look for the outliers.

Julie Blackburn
Founder & CEO,